Blog Post

Treeless Saddles - Why and How?

  • By Jenny Austin
  • 15 Sep, 2023

Why saddles with trees can be a fitting nightmare

The article below was written by Jenny many years ago.  These days we commonly use Freeform Treeless Saddles for starting and training horses.  And yes, Richard has hunted in a treeless Ghost Saddle!

Many riders have had problems with saddle fit at one time or another. It is a common topic on among horse owners, you can see it daily on the various horse forums, and it is not unusual for some people to spend huge amounts of money on one saddle after another that just do not work for their horses even though they may have been professionally fitted to the horse. Even a made-to-measure saddle can fail to fit!

 How can this happen? The main reason is that a traditional treed saddle is fitted to a static (not moving) horse. This is highly deceptive and does not allow for a moving back and shoulders.

 Also, horses change shape a lot during their lifetime with growth, weight and muscling altering from week to week in some cases. These changes mean that the fitted treed saddle would need to be adjusted whenever a body fluctuation takes place.

 So, how, and why does the tree cause problems for the horse?

 The tree points extend down either side of the pommel arch. It is made of steel and the points are shaped like butter knives. It is obvious that they can cause pressure, digging into the muscles. Long term damage can extend to nerve damage and muscle atrophy, specifically the trapezius muscle. As the horse turns and bends, the tree points dig in and this is a problem with any horse, even narrow ones.

 As the horse moves, the shoulder blade (scapula) moves backwards and forwards. When it is furthest back, the top of the scapula pushes against the tree point. This will actually push the tree across the back at an angle.

 There is a myriad of ways that the tree can cause pain and damage to the horse during motion. The most common saddle fit problems that can be solved by treeless saddles are – bridging; squashed shoulders from tight gullet; loin damage from too long panels; pressure points to top of scapula; wither damage from no wither clearance; pressure from saddles that roll on flat backed horses; and more!

 Pain in the horse is shown in various ways. Some horses are stoic and things must get really bad before they will show their discomfort. Some horses are good communicators and will let you know straight away. Unfortunately, their way of communicating to us is often thought to be “naughtiness.” They are then forced to accept the discomfort by training. Usually, the more advanced trained horses will not show their discomfort until it become extreme because they dare not.

 Any undesirable behaviours might be a sign of pain – check it out before you accuse the horse of being naughty.

 But weren’t trees invented for a good reason?

Most people would guess that trees in saddles are there to protect the horses back and distribute the rider’s weight evenly.

 The actual reason is to help keep the riders on the horse during combat. Stirrups were first made in around 300 AD to better keep the riders on the horses. By 600 AD the saddles were made large enough to carry a massive knight in amour and all his weapons. The tree was necessary to hold the stirrups securely and stop the saddle from slipping under the weight of the soldier. The next step was the stuffing which protected the horse from the tree.

 The weight distribution aspect is a trick – it is impossible if you put an unyielding, stiff object between two mobile creatures.

 How can a treeless saddle work for horse and rider?

Treeless saddles are constructed of several layers of leather, foam, synthetic fur, and other shock absorbing materials. The saddle molds softly around the horses’ body and follows every move, without restriction. The horse’s stride lengthens and the movement of the shoulders and back is free and more powerful as the horse moves forward with more relaxation and ease.

 The rider sits nicely ‘on’ and not above the horse, gaining a very close contact and intimate connection with the animal. Balance, harmony and improved comfort for horse and rider, are the most obvious advantages for the rider.

 The soft structure and flexibility of our saddles enables the horse to move without losing its natural grace, allowing full ‘range of movement’ while carrying the rider. The horses back can arch and thus enhances vertical and lateral movement of the thoracic vertebral column. The rider is placed right behind the wither therefore avoiding pressure on the loins while allowing full range of movement of the shoulder blades. This way the riders’ weight is carried without causing pain, discomfort, and damage to the horse's body.

 The horse should ideally not have any weight bearing beyond T14 but definitely no saddle should load the horses loin area behind the last rib (T 18) The area on the horse's back equipped to carry us the most comfortably is between the 9th and 14th thoracic vertebrae, this area is in fact a lot smaller than most of us think. This is particularly true if you own a horse that is short in the back. The further we move away from the horse's centre of gravity the more likely it is that soundness problems will occur.

Treeless saddles wraps the rider’s weight around the horse’s centre of gravity. If you look at your buttocks and upper thighs and compare the size of that area with the panels of a treed saddle you might find that the treeless rider actually distributes their weight over a larger area than the rider in a conventional saddle.

 What about protecting the spine of the horse?

The seat bones of the rider are naturally positioned to the left and right of the horse’s spinous processes and not on top. Additionally, the cushioned saddle sitting area plus the therapeutic saddle pad and the panels of the saddles protect both horse and rider from pressure spots. Treeless saddles have been used by endurance riders for close to 20 years in Europe and the US. You can trust that it is in fact a myth that we need lots of clearance over the horse’s spine, as long as there is no direct pressure on the dorsal processes no harm is done. Thermal imaging and high-tech pressure tests of our saddle brands have shown that there is no pressure directly on the spine provided they are used as recommended. The Barefoot saddles also give excellent wither clearance and they have a smart in-built panel system to generate spinal clearance, they are therefore also recommended for high withered horses in combination with a special saddle pad. Some horses are very sensitive and / or have missing topline, and there are a number of options available to pad under the saddle to suit.

 What does it feel like to ride treeless?

That depends on the brand but some of the softer saddles it is similar to bareback riding, only more comfortable and safer in that the rider is supported by the front and rear raised parts of the saddle and fenders or stirrup leathers are usually attached, but they are removable.

 Other treeless saddles feel more like a normal saddle to the rider but it provides a better contact and all the other benefits of a treeless saddle. Some saddles have a twist more similar to a conventional English saddle and therefore the adjustment for the rider is minimal. In these saddles you will not sit as wide which makes it also suitable for riders with impaired hip joints.

 Provided you have a well-fitting set up, treeless riding is the most comfortable way to be on a horse, comfier than riding bareback and once you have ridden in one for a while you will be surprised how uncomfortable, hard, and rigid your former favourite traditional saddle now feels. You will be amazed at how you feel that you are sitting “on” your horse and can feel every movement of the back and really be part of your horse.

 Are there any restrictions to the using these saddles?

 A treeless saddle should only be used with a special additional pressure-absorbing underlay at all times. This underlay needs to have top quality shock absorption, a contoured shape allowing for the horses wither, it needs to create a channel over the spine and it must be made from a breathing skin friendly material. The harder you work your horse the better the padding needs to be.

 Some brands have weight restrictions so be aware of this and be honest about your weight!

 Some brands of saddles have restrictions on how high you can jump in them, most are fine up to 1 metre so if you wish to jump higher, enquire about the jumping restrictions.

 Some saddles do not have a narrow twist therefore you are sitting as wide as your horse really is. Rule of thumb is, if you are comfortable on your horse riding bareback you will be comfortable in the saddle.

 Beginner riders would be well advised to take riding lessons with a good instructor; it is simply fairer on the horse and a lot safer for the rider. Dressage is the foundation to any style of riding, so it is the best place to start. Beware of instructors who will ask you to nag your horse rather than to help you to improve your balance, aids, and timing re-release of pressure. Generally, we find the best instructors have a back ground in classical dressage or centred riding techniques. The treeless saddles can be a wonderful training aid in learning a very good seat and to teach you sensitivity to your horse’s movement. You will have a definite advantage in these saddles due to the close contact and you will therefore learn faster than in a treed saddle. You are not held in a position but will learn to carry your own bodyweight in a balanced way which your present and future horses will appreciate.

It is recommended using a well-fitting breastplate with all saddles they should be especially for hill work. A breastplate will stop your saddle slipping sideways or back in hilly terrain and works like a safety belt in case you are riding with a loose girth. Terrible accidents with all sorts of saddles could have been prevented if only the rider had remembered to put that breastplate on. To ride endurance without breastplate means asking for trouble and there are discussions going on to make the use of them compulsory.

Endurance riders and others that spend long hours in the saddle will have special requirements – talk to the supplier to make sure your needs are met.

Not all “Treeless” Saddles are the same!

A treeless saddle, when set up incorrectly, when it is badly designed or lacking the right type of underlay can create numerous problems for your horse’s back. Not all treeless saddles are created equal and the right underlay is extremely important.

 Treeless saddles are gaining appreciation by riders and their horses worldwide and are now found in international competitions of most equestrian disciplines. Treeless saddles were officially approved for EA competitions in Australia in February 2006. Treeless saddles are taking Europe, the US and Australia by storm because of the great design, versatility, and the affordable price.

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Are you aware of the Five Freedoms in the Animal Welfare Act?   This Blog explains how we interpret these and put them into practice in our daily dealings with our own and clients’ horses. They are:

  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst: by providing enough fresh water and the right type and amount of food to keep them fit.
  2. Freedom from discomfort: by making sure that animals have the right type of environment, including shelter and somewhere comfortable to rest.
  3. Freedom from pain, injury and disease: by preventing them from getting ill or injured and by making sure animals are diagnosed and treated rapidly if they do. Animals should have access to veterinary care when needed.
  4. Freedom from fear and distress: by making sure their conditions and treatment avoid mental suffering.
  5. Freedom to behave normally: by making sure animals have enough space, proper facilities and the company of other animals of their own kind.

Number 1 Freedom of the Animal Welfare Act is “Freedom from Hunger and Thirst : by providing enough fresh water and the right type and amount of food to keep them fit”. Now this can sound very straightforward but it’s easy to get it wrong and is a massive topic.   Here at TTT :

·        We ensure that horses in our care have 24/7 low ESC+starch grass hay, plus grazing. If they are losing weight we might add in some higher calorie hay such as lucerne or a cereal hay.

·        The most important part is that it’s 24/7 low starch, high fibre “trickle feeding” as suits horses digestive systems.

·        We have in our training contract that if owners wish their horse to have a bucket feed, that they must supply that as an extra, and we are happy to give them whatever is instructed.

·        We will contact the owner and suggest a more energy dense bucket feed if the horse is losing weight on hay/grass.

·        Our own horses have a small feed of rinsed and soaked beet pulp, lucerne chaff, salt, a custom mineral mix and some have other supplements as needed for joint and gut health.  

·        Our horses, if in work, will have soaked, cracked lupins added and we give whole oats after hard work.

·        Of course, we always have fresh water available.

·        We have heard recently of a trainer using feed/water restriction as a training tool – that is cruel and unnecessary and would never, ever happen here.

Number 2 Freedom of the Animal Welfare Act is “Freedom from Discomfort by making sure that animals have the right type of environment, including shelter and somewhere comfortable to rest.”

This one is fairly simple- here at TTT:

·        Horses are paddocked with a suitable companion, not yarded or stabled, with room to browse and move around. There’s soft sand to sleep on, trees for shelter and a lovely outlook.

Number 3 Freedom of the Animal Welfare Act is “Freedom from pain, injury and disease: by preventing them from getting ill or injured and by making sure animals are diagnosed and treated rapidly if they do. Animals should have access to veterinary care when needed.”

This one is not as straightforward as it seems and is closely linked to Number 1 and 4. Here at TTT:

·        Equipment is tailored for the comfort of each horse, not for the trainers’ comfort, to eliminate pain from ill-fitting equipment.

·        We never hit or beat a horse with anything.

·        We never tie up their legs or similar acts which cause pain and injury.

·        We don’t work horses to exhaustion or expect paces that they are not physically ready for.

·        The environment is free from hazards and as safe as we can make it to minimise risk of injuries.

·        We ask owners to have their horses in good condition upon arrival, with their teeth and worming recently attended to and with full disclosure of previous injuries, illness and disease.

·        We only provide companions which are suitable for settling new horses, not those which will harass or are aggressive.

·        We feed as per Freedom Number 1 to keep the horses healthy

·        Owners are notified immediately of any health concerns and our contract states that we will call a Veterinarian anyway if we deem it necessary but we can’t reach the owner first.

Number 4 Freedom of the Animal Welfare Act is “Freedom from fear and distress: by making sure their conditions and treatment avoid mental suffering”.

This one is also complicated and very much open to interpretation. Here at TTT:

·        Our training method keeps the horses stress levels under their fear threshold. The physical signs of stress have been identified and well documented by the equestrian science community and because of our extensive experience we are able to immediately identify the symptoms of stress. Anything that escalates stress and adrenaline is counter-productive to good learning.

·        We don’t implement some common and popular training methods that can cause fear and distress. For example, excessive use of the round pen; excessive circling/lunging; use of restraints e.g. hobbles, side reins and the like; excessive use of lateral movements, etc.

·        We aim for calm at all times and achieve this by breaking down training outcomes into individual elements, then establishing one outcome at a time until it is thoroughly understood. Richard’s Passive Focus Exercise is one way to attain calm.

·        We do not progress to faster gaits until we have established good responses to our aids in the slower paces and until the horse has developed good strength and balance. This ensures smooth transitions, communication and minimum stress at all paces.

Some points are copied from Freedom Number 3 as they overlap, i.e. physical and mental suffering can be caused by the same thing -

·        Equipment is tailored for the comfort of each horse, not for the trainers’ comfort, to eliminate pain (and distress) from ill-fitting equipment.

·        We never hit or beat a horse with anything (causes pain and distress)

·        We never tie up their legs or similar acts which cause pain and injury (and distress)

·        We don’t work horses to exhaustion or expect paces that they are not physically ready for.

·        We only provide companions which are suitable for settling new horses, not those which will harass or are aggressive.

Number 5 Freedom of the Animal Welfare Act is “Freedom to behave normally: by making sure animals have enough space, proper facilities and the company of other animals of their own kind.”

This one overlaps and encompasses the first 4 Freedoms. So, as a summary, here at TTT:

·        Horses have 24/7 spacious paddock living with grazing or ad-lib mixed species grass hay

·        They have carefully matched companions

·        They have trees and valleys for shelter

·        They are very closely observed throughout the day (and we can hear them at night)

·        We are extremely experienced and notice the tiniest issues before they escalate

·        We are educated in nutrition, hoof care, conformation and riding disciplines

·        Emotional, mental and physical health of the horses is our number 1 priority

Richard van Dijk & Jenny Austin

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